Core Science

Core Science is 12 topics:
  1. Environment
  2. Genes
  3. Electrical and Chemical Signals
  4. Use, Misuse and Abuse
  5. Patterns in Properties
  6. Making Changes
  7. There's One Earth
  8. Designer Products
  9. Producing and Measuring Electricity
  10. You're in Charge
  11. Now You See it, Now You Don't
  12. Space and its Mysteries

Multiple Choice topic tests are done in November, March and June.  They account for 60% of your grade.
Practical skills are assessed by your teacher in class and account for 10% of your grade.
Written tests "Internally Assessed Activities", at least one Biology, one Chemistry and one Physics, make up the final 30% of the mark.

Did you spot what's missing?  No final written paper... hooray, that will suit most people down to the ground!

For flash cards to help you revise on line, see the Revision page.